Monday, February 11, 2013

Valentine's Day or Saint Valentin

Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, but do you know it is not celebrated in the same way in all countries?

I didn't know until I move to US and my kids celebrate their first Valentine's Day at school. They came back from school with a lot of little presents and cards but they didn't bring anything...Why? Because in France Valentine's Day is the day of Love. So the custom is to exchange presents and enjoy a good restaurant with your loved one and only your loved one. In US Valentine's Day is as much a celebration of friendship than love. 

I learned my lesson and now my kids are bringing Valentines for all their classmates and teachers.

In Japan, women must give chocolates to all their male colleagues and receive gifts in return a month later, on March 14 on the occasion of the "White Day". Can be useful to know if you move to japan one day!

It is not easy to accept and follow customs that are not yours, but know another culture, understand, see and appreciate the differences enriches us, forces us to moderate our judgments and bring us closer.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!!
Joyeuse Saint Valentin a tous!!!

Interesting fact:
Valentine's Day is the second most celebrated holiday around the world second to New Year's Day!

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